My new blogger header.
It has photos I took in different parts of USA!
It has been a month since I came back from the states!
Left USA on 7th August and it's 7th September today (both SG and LA time).
Miss that place soooo much!
Miss the weather. Miss the scenery. Miss the company.
Having a chance to study and travel around USA was great!
It was a whole different experience.
Being so far away from home, I had to be more independent.
But it made me learn more stuffs.
Studying there can be quite different compared to Singapore.
(maybe cause I'm still having the lecture-tutorial in NTU instead of seminars)
In UCLA, both classes I attended were seminar style.
And they give us loads of readings on top of the seminar style classes.
Also, it can be quite costly studying/staying there!
For the two months (3June-7Aug) I spent in USA (inclusive of cash), I spent a total of...
This is not counting my UCLA school fees, VISA fees, application fees!
School fees is said to be US$2288 which is about SG$3000
Update: School fees ended up becoming US$3800+ which is almost SG$5000!
Update: School fees ended up becoming US$3800+ which is almost SG$5000!
Air tickets alone from SG to NY and LA to SG costs SG$2443.7 already!
Total amount I spent on air/train tickets (not counting those I paid using cash) is...
Total amount I spent on shopping (not counting those I paid using cash) is...
The rest of the money was spent on food, a lil shopping, car rentals, car fines, hotels/apartment, etc!
So yes! It is indeed expensive to study in the States.
(it won't be that much if you don't shop that much)
And while I was in the states I said I will not shop when I get back to Singapore.
For one whole month I did not shop in any Singapore shops at all!
But... I was shopping on online overseas sites. Ahhhh!
Oh wells at least it is true that I didn't shop in Singapore (shops). lols.
Now that I'm done with calculating how much I spent,
I will be doing up a few posts on top places to visit in parts of USA!
I will also blog about top places to eat at while in USA!
Will also try to do the full travelogues in each state I visited :)
Sorry if I end up taking too long doing those travelogues and tips blogpost.
But if you need any recommendations in a hurry,
just leave me a message with your email at the bottom of this post.
I will try to help you out as much as I can ;)
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