All of you should know that for bloggers, cameras are very very important!
(as important as the internet - need internet to upload)
(as important as the internet - need internet to upload)
Sadly, I've been making lots of complains about my current compact camera.
Used it for about 2 years plus and now I think it is soooo lousy!
Initially I felt it was okay for non-blogging photos (bought it when I haven't started blogging).
But when it comes to blogging, you will want better quality photos to look more professional right?
Initially I felt it was okay for non-blogging photos (bought it when I haven't started blogging).
But when it comes to blogging, you will want better quality photos to look more professional right?

image taken from weheartit and edited by me
Managed to take lots of not bad quality photos in USA because I was using a DSLR.
Managed to take lots of not bad quality photos in USA because I was using a DSLR.
But problem with that DSLR is that it is super bulky and cannot take videos with it :(
Also, I don't think it matches any of my outfits!
Also, I don't think it matches any of my outfits!
I want something that has the size of a compact, yet able to take decent photos.
And at the same time, something that matches my outfits!
And at the same time, something that matches my outfits!
In conclusion, a pretty semi-pro camera?
Was eyeing a couple of cameras.
I'm here to share one with you today!

It comes in 6 pretty colors!
Which color do you think suits you more?
For me I witnessed a battle before deciding on one!
Which color do you think suits you more?
For me I witnessed a battle before deciding on one!

Was contemplating between pink and white.
Guess who won?
I guess I will stick to getting a white one :)
I guess I will stick to getting a white one :)
Been using a pink camera for very long so I guess it is time for a change?
Also, I think it will match my clothings more ;)
P.S Continue reading to find out which outfits I think matches the color I picked ;)
Type: Digital camera with support for interchangeable lenses
-> Can get different types of lenses for different purposes!
Effective angle of view: Approx. 2.7x lens focal length (35 mm format equivalent)
Shooting modes: Auto photo (3 : 2); creative, with a choice of the following options: P, S, A, M (3 : 2), night landscape (3 : 2), night portrait (3 : 2), backlighting (3 : 2), easy panorama (normal horizontal 40 : 7, normal vertical 8 : 25, wide horizontal 80 : 7, wide vertical 4 : 25), soft (3 : 2), miniature effect (3 : 2) and selective color (3 : 2); Smart Photo Selector (3 : 2); movie (HD 16 : 9, slow motion 8 : 3); Motion Snapshot (16 : 9)
-> So many modes I LOVE IT! I am someone who buys camera in order to use these different shooting modes. Also the reason why I bought my previous camera (for the miniature mode when it was just released).
Shutter Speed: 1/16,000-30 s in steps of 1/3 EV
-> No idea what this means. But I've seen their sample images here and they even have 1/1600 second shutter speeds! That is really fast!
ISO sensitivity: ISO 100-3200 in steps of 1 EV
White balance: Auto, incandescent, fluorescent, direct sunlight, flash, cloudy, shade, preset manual, all except preset manual with fine tuning
Dimensions (W x H x D): Approx. 106.0 x 61.0 x 29.8 mm
-> It's so small! YAY! No more bulky cameras!
Two really interesting features!

If I had this when I was in USA, I won't have to one hand hold my DSLR and another hand hold my phone to capture videos and photos and the same time! Also I won't have to retake so many photos!
I know what you are thinking now...
"So what Nikon J2 has good specs? DSLR give me specs that are as good too!"
That bulky thing that I only use when I have no choice.
It hurts the neck and the arm okay. The weight of DSLRs are horrible!
These few days sis kept saying that her wrist hurts after using DSLR for one full day.
Don't believe Nikon 1 J2 can match your outfits very easily?
Here is your evidence! ;)

See how the white camera Nikon 1 J2 matches both my day 1 and day 2 outfits?

Sadly I don't. So I put in the effort to print, paste on cardboard paper and slowly cut the photo!
Just so I can use it in the photos, to show how well it can match my outfits.
Btw, images were supposedly printed to be of the actual size of the camera!
But something happened and it became 0.5cm smaller, not much of a difference lahh :(
*cheers myself up* Cause I really wanted it be to of the actual size so you all can see how small it is.
It really really is very small!
Matches outfits effortlessly
I didn't even pick outfits that matches the camera.
I just chose what I wanted to wear then take a photo with it.
But they just match so well! Yay!
Reason why I love white color gadgets (though my favorite color is pink).
Small and easy to bring around
Only 106.0 x 61.0 x 29.8 mm!
Sleek and modern design
You HAVE to agree with this.
Not all semi-pro cameras are so pretty one okay.

What more can you ask from this camera?! It's perrrfecttt! :)
I know you all are loving this camera already right ;)
I mean who doesn't want a good camera that looks stylish, fashionable and does a great job?!
Time to look stylish and fashionable with Nikon 1 J2! Yay!
Find out more about the camera at! :)
Tip: IT Show is coming soon ;) Best time to buy your gadgets!
all images of products and details from Nikon
Tip: IT Show is coming soon ;) Best time to buy your gadgets!
all images of products and details from Nikon
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