It's a new month again.
Which means... time for another MIP post!
Tuesday, 4th March 2014
New hair color at Pro Trim - Katelyn's Hair Journey with Pro Trim Hair Salon #3.
It's back to basics cause I'm thinking of applying for an internship job this summer.
Had enough of YOLO hair for now hahas.
Wednesday, 5th March 2014
Went to Zouk for VT's event!
Didn't want to go initially cause I don't really like to go to Zouk.
But end up the girls want to go so I decided to go too since it will be like a catch up session for us!

Our group photo!
Candy, Jocelyn, Me, Theresa, Yingjie!
Photo stolen from facebook hahas.
I can't upload my fav photo of the day cause blogger keep dropping the image quality :(
They kept adding noise to the photo.
Not sure is it cause the photo is too dark so they were trying to sharpen it.
Saturday, 15th March 2014
Outing with merlions =P

Had dinner at Saveur! Their duck confetti is really yummy and filling.
Okays don't take my word for it cause I have a strange appetite.
I can't eat much at one go. But I can snack a lot :/
Haven't met these girls in a long long time!
After dinner, we went to NLB to catch up with one another!
For some strange reason, all of got us really sleepy and high LOL.

Our group photo for the day!
Missing Lihui cause she's studying overseas!
Sunday, 16th March 2014
Los Angeles Week 3 blogpost up!
How I wish I can just go back to LA and not have to spend all day studying here in SG.
Anyways I have to complete this travelogue by June!!!
I spam a lot of photos when I am overseas so I end up having lots of QC to do.
All these travelogues always take up a lot of my time.
I still got my Hong Kong travelogues to do!
Vicky knows me well hahas. She ask if I will be doing HK travelogues and I'm like ya.
But without me saying anything else, she knew that I won't complete it anytime soon.
And by the time she go to HK, my blogpost might not even be up yet :/
So I ended up telling her stuffs on the spot hahahas.
Oh and this isn't the only blogpost I have up this month!
Adding it here cause I miss USA a lot! Life there was way better.
Though I was supposed to studying there, I think I had more fun than study.
I think I'm really sick of studying already. Never once like to study in the first place.
I really wish that I can start working soon!
Hope I can get my ideal job, one that I have interest in!
Tuesday 18th March 2014
Received more goodies from MUFE!

New to their HD line - HD Blush and HD Pressed Powder!
Gonna review them on this blog soon.
Friday 21st March 2014
Visited IDS Clinic!
Had wanted to go there as a paying customer but ended up being sponsored lols.
Want to know why? Keep a look out for my blogpost =P
P.S I'm loving their products! I know I said I love DRx products too.
But suddenly their products no longer work for me. Had lots of breakouts and stuff.
No idea what happened. But thank god IDS products work well for my skin!
Now my skin is recovering YAY!
I'm really thankful for everything that has happened so far!
March was a busy month (my Dayre totally died too, haven't gone in for weeks).
Actually I shopped quite a bit in March :/ I always shop when I am busy. Retail therapy? Hahas.
Maybe I will review some of the stuffs along the way! Shall see how it goes!
April is gonna to be another busy month :(
It's gonna be my blog's birthday month. Will have a giveaway as usual.
This time the giveaway will be better!! So keep a lookout for it ;)
I had wanted to do a new blog design. I paid someone to do a design for me.
But after I did my FYP, I had higher expectations of the layout.
So I won't be using that pre-done layout anymore, fickle minded much.
Hopefully I can complete my new layout in May!
This month I got lots to clear too!
Got blogpost, video, and lots and lots of e-lectures and tutorials!
And most importantly... EXAMS!
FYP took up a lot of my time cause my prof meet us weekly and I have to churn out codes weekly.
Neglected quite a bit of my cores. Plus itchy finger go apply for online mod to clear electives.
So... got lots to handle now! This semester please turn out well.
seems like you had a fabulous march!