I have been living in Singapore for the past 20years and many years to go :)
Indeed I had thoughts of going overseas for study trips and stuff. BUT no matter what, I know I will return to this place - Home. This is where my family, relatives, friends and memories are. Of course I won't bear to leave this place.
So Nuffnang and Cine65 are holding a contest together. You just need to answer a very simple question and you will stand a chance to win the top prize of SGD$500 or 10 consolation prizes consisting of a pair of movie voucher and a 2 GB thumb drive. So the question is:
If Singapore is a person, who will she be?
Have you ever ask yourself this question?
Reason why I say it's simple? Cause it's your hometown!
You should understand it more than anyone else right?
I've thought about it and this is what I feel will be her chracteristics:
1) Mixed blood
The term mixed-blood refers to an offspring of parents of different races or cultures. Just like what we recite in our pledge, "We the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people", Singapore is well-known for being a multi-racial society with people of different races living together in harmoniously together on this little red dot. So naturally, if Singapore is a person, she will be a mix blood of all the different races together in one body! :)
2) Motherly
She will be someone who is very motherly, always looking after her children. Ever since we were kids, Singapore has been taking care of us by coming up with an education for her citizens and setting a compulsory law that all children in Singapore must have compulsory education up to primary 6 so as to ensure that none of her "children" will be deprived of education.
How can you not agree with this right? SINGAPORE IS SO HOT!
I just keep feeling that each day it's getting warmer and warmer!
Now it's getting a lil better. But there was a period of time. First half of this year?
It was super super hot! :(
Now it's getting a lil better. But there was a period of time. First half of this year?
It was super super hot! :(
4) Favourite Colour: Green

Why is green her favourite colour?
Okays if it's not her favourite colour, then tell me why is Singapore so clean and green? =P
There is even a green house with a garden on every floor right here in Singapore!

The Meera house is a green residential design with a unique and quite inspiring. The house is located on Sentosa island designed by Guz Architects.
What's more?
A study commissioned by Siemens and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the Asian Green City Index, analyzed the aims and achievements of 22 major Asian cities with respect to environmental and climate protection and came to a conclusion that Singapore is Asia’s greenest metropolis.In this analysis of environmental performance conducted on 22 major cities of Asia were evaluated in the basis of eight categories – energy and CO2, land use and buildings, transport, waste, water, sanitation, air quality and environmental governance. They even mentioned that "Singapore City stands out in particular for its ambitious environmental targets and its efficient approach to achieving them."
The results are as follows:

Okays if it's not her favourite colour, then tell me why is Singapore so clean and green? =P
There is even a green house with a garden on every floor right here in Singapore!

What's more?
A study commissioned by Siemens and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the Asian Green City Index, analyzed the aims and achievements of 22 major Asian cities with respect to environmental and climate protection and came to a conclusion that Singapore is Asia’s greenest metropolis.In this analysis of environmental performance conducted on 22 major cities of Asia were evaluated in the basis of eight categories – energy and CO2, land use and buildings, transport, waste, water, sanitation, air quality and environmental governance. They even mentioned that "Singapore City stands out in particular for its ambitious environmental targets and its efficient approach to achieving them."
The results are as follows:

Now do you agree with my point that green is her favourite colour? :)
5) Favourite Food: Durian

Other having geylang street being very popular for durians, they even built Esplanade that everyone called the durian shell! ;) So how can you not agree that she will definitely love durians?
Do you agree that these will be the 5 characteristics if Singapore is a person? ;)
In addition, here are three videos that I found on ciNE65's website!
The videos there are meaningful and unique as everyone have their own memories and different perspectives of Singapore.
Interested in knowing how others feel about Singapore?
Visit www.cine65.sg and like the ciNE65 Facebook fanpage at
http://www.facebook.com/ciNE65 to see what others had said about Singapore!
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