I Haven't shared a song here for very very long already right?
Here's a very very nice but sad song for you all today.

A Song from the ablum "Miss Elva"
by ELVA 蕭亞軒
Ming zhi dao ai qing bing bu lao kao
Dan shi wo hai shi ping ming wang li tiao
Ming zhi dao zai zou ken eng shi jian lao
Dan shi wo hai shi xiang xin zhi shi jian ao
Peng you dou quan wo bu yao bu yao
Bu yao na zi ji de xing fu kai wan xiao
Dan shi zuo ren yi jing ne me lei
Jia xing xing de xiang yao tao
Zai ai li lian zhen xin dou bu neng gei
Zhe cai zhen zheng de ke xiao
Ming zhi dao ai qing bing bu lao kao
Dan shi wo hai shi ping ming wang li tiao
Ming zhi dao zai zou ken eng shi jian lao
Dan shi wo hai shi xiang xin zhi shi jian ao
Peng you dou quan wo bu yao bu yao
Bu yao na zi ji de xing fu kai wan xiao
Dan shi zuo ren yi jing ne me lei
Jia xing xing de xiang yao tao
Zai ai li lian zhen xin dou bu neng gei
Zhe cai zhen de zhen zheng de ke xiao
爱得太真 太容易 让自己牺牲
Ai de tai zhen tai rong yi rang zi ji xi sheng
Tai rong yi rang zi ji cheng lun
太容易 不顾一切 满是伤痕
Tai rong yi bu gu yi qie man shi shang hen
我太笨 明知道你是错的人
Wo tai ben ming zhi dao ni zhi cuo de ren
Ming zhi dao zhe bu shi yuan fen
Dan shi wo hai fen bu gu shen
可能 在爱里面这样算笨
Ke neng zai ai li mian zhe yang suan ben
可能 永远没有所谓永恒
Ke neng yong yuan mei you suo wei yong heng
但是我 不愿放弃这里面一点点可能
Dan shi wo bu yuan fang qi zhe li mian yi dian dian ke neng
Ning yuan ben ye bu xiang yao hui hen
爱得太真 太容易 让自己牺牲
Ai de tai zhen tai rong yi rang zi ji xi sheng
Tai rong yi rang zi ji cheng lun
太容易 不顾一切 满是伤痕
Tai rong yi bu gu yi qie man shi shang hen
我太笨 明知道你是错的人
Wo tai ben ming zhi dao ni zhi cuo de ren
Ming zhi dao zhe bu shi yuan fen
Dan shi wo hai fen bu gu shen
我太笨 明知道你是错的人
Wo tai ben ming zhi dao ni zhi cuo de ren
Ming zhi dao zhe bu shi yuan fen
Dan wo xiang xin you dian ke neng
Had a random chat yesterday about girls not being able to forgive but not forget.
And it made me somewhat sad :(
Double sadness when you are hearing a sad song while having such a conversation.
If I had a choice, I would rather be able to forgive and forget.
A guy can make you cry 10times but as long as you love him, you will always forgive him.
Just like this song, girls are always waiting for that small little possibility of something happening.
(I'm saying girls cause it's from my point of view, I have no ideas how guys actually feel)
But you know that each time you cry, there is always this scar left behind by him.
hurt --- cry --- forgive --- scar --- hurt
And the cycle just keep repeating :(
Even after being single for so long (2 years i think) I'm still scared :(
IF I have a boyfriend in the future, will he still be someone who hurt me again and again?
I still remember the times in the start of yr 1 where my clique just sat outside far east and talk about bgr.
One of my guy friends ask - "if someone ask you to be their gf leh?"
At that point of time I could tell him a "No." Cause I was really scared. I'm afraid to fall again.
But two years passed. Will I still give the same answer? Will I be able to forget?
I really really wish I can forget...
hurt --- cry --- forgive --- scar --- hurt
And the cycle just keep repeating :(
Even after being single for so long (2 years i think) I'm still scared :(
IF I have a boyfriend in the future, will he still be someone who hurt me again and again?
I still remember the times in the start of yr 1 where my clique just sat outside far east and talk about bgr.
One of my guy friends ask - "if someone ask you to be their gf leh?"
At that point of time I could tell him a "No." Cause I was really scared. I'm afraid to fall again.
But two years passed. Will I still give the same answer? Will I be able to forget?
I really really wish I can forget...
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