2013 is here! :)
image from weheartit
2012 has been not a bad year for me,
except the last two months of 2012 when I fell sick and couldn't go for my examinations.
Now let's start by looking at my 2012 new year resolutions and see how many I have achieved?
1. Be more hardworking and improve my GPA!
Was a lil more hardworking, attended more classes than I did in the past.
But the part about improving my GPA never did happen :(
Worst thing happened was that I fell sick during exam period!
So 2013, this will be on the list again. Please be nice to me in 2013!
I believe I did? Since there are more review posts?
Hope they were useful to you all!
I also had friends who told me that my USA travelogues were useful to them! YAY!
Yes this definitely did happen and I enjoyed myself lots! :)
Manage to go to USA for my summer studies successfully.
You can read my travelogues here.
4. Lose weight!
Did happen but I gained back the weight!
Now it's back to the same weight :(
This happened too! You can read my post here.
Definitely made more new friends during my USA trip and also got to know a couple more bloggers.
But the readers part, I still have no idea who reads my blog :(
I know I haven't been blogging much about things I did in Singapore lately.
But my travelogues alone are enough to fill this blog, so I always try to post alternate blog posts for beauty reviews/events and travelogues so as not to bore you all too much.
Not sure who is keen in reading about my daily life too hahas!
So please just comment what you all want to read here okay? :)
I know I haven't been blogging much about things I did in Singapore lately.
But my travelogues alone are enough to fill this blog, so I always try to post alternate blog posts for beauty reviews/events and travelogues so as not to bore you all too much.
Not sure who is keen in reading about my daily life too hahas!
So please just comment what you all want to read here okay? :)
7. Get an iPhone!
I had a change of heart halfway.
Decided to stay with samsung ;)
So yes, currently I own an S2.
It's still alive that's why you are seeing this post hahas.
So I managed to achieve 5 out of 8 of my 2012 new year resolutions!
Now for my
2013 New Year Resolutions!
I hope ALL can be achieved!

1. Be closer to my family
I want to be able to spend more them with them and bring them out more often!
Cause my family is not the type that will always go out together to have meals.

2. Do great in school and get good grades
Something that I really really need to do! ;)
Have to even more hardworking, manage my time wisely and do well.
Of course I have to keep myself healthy during the exam period too - mentally and physically.

3. Lose weight and not gain it back
Now have to add the additional point of not gaining the weight I lost!

4. Be good at doing makeup
Trying to be a good beauty blogger so I really need to have better makeup skills!
Let's see if I can start doing more makeup tutorials? :)

5. Enjoy life and also balance with everything
I have to cope with/balance work (IA), studies (school), my blog!
Have to find some time to enjoy life too ;) Hopefully I can find time for a short getaway.
Of course I will still try to write more useful posts and keep this blog alive! ;)
all photos which did not have credits were from perfect2013
Scheduled this post to be published at 12midnight sharp :) So while you are are reading this post,
I am probably looking at the fireworks at Mediacorp's Celebrate 2013 at Marina Bays Float :)
And yes I schedule posts rather often. So don't be surprised when you see that I just did a blogpost when I am supposed to be out. And that was also the reason why my blog was still alive during my examination period and also during the whole period I was sick.

So... one wish done! :) Okays not really a wish. Just something I want to attend at least once ;)
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