Ahhhh! Haven't blogged for a week plus.
Was really busy the whole of recess week.
Decided to not do a separate post for CNY and add in into this MIP post!
1st Feb 2014
As usual first day of CNY (31st Jan) is the day my paternal family will come to my place.
Didn't take any photos though.
Day two (1st Feb) is the day where all my maternal relatives will gather at my uncle's place.

Photo with my maternal family :)
Usually on day 2 we would take family photo at home again.
But this year we didn't as we reached home really late.
Gonna take another family shot another day ;)
Didn't take any photos though.
Day two (1st Feb) is the day where all my maternal relatives will gather at my uncle's place.

On our way to uncle's place :)

My FOTD and OOTD :)

Sisters' OOTD :)
Photo with my maternal family :)
Usually on day 2 we would take family photo at home again.
But this year we didn't as we reached home really late.
Gonna take another family shot another day ;)
6th Feb 2014
It's everybody's birthday - 7th day of CNY (人日)!

As usual, lou hei at home!

As usual, lou hei at home!
7th Feb 2014
Sukiya Steamboat with UCLA peeps!
Group photo with the girls!
Group shot for the day (after Dawn arrived)! :)
After that we went to ah chew.
It's so-so only and the pomelo was bitter :(
11th Feb 2014
Received my cheque from Nuffnang!
14th Feb 2014
After that I studied with Xinci at starbucks!
Yes, study on vday. Got quiz, no choice and we are both single anyways =P
It ended up more like a chatting and search for job session though.
She's searching for a job and I'm looking for an internship/job.
Since it was also the 15th day of CNY, dinner was steamboat at home.
17th Feb 2014
IDS Clinic Opening! I've blogged about it and reviewed two products already ;)
Blogpost - IDS Clinic Official Opening
Note: From now till 30th May 2014, quote "Katelyn Tan" to get free consultations!
20th Feb 2014
Received my cheque from Churpchurp! :)
25th Feb 2014
My friend drew me my LINE play character!
Cute right? =P
She's also the one who drew me a cute chibi art here.

She's also the one who drew me a cute chibi art here.
Btw my Line character no longer look like that now.
I changed the clothes and hair!
Yes, I'm still playing that game hahahas.
I changed the clothes and hair!
Yes, I'm still playing that game hahahas.
Feb was a busy month! Pushed away a number of events due to my quizzes!
So no exciting stuffs in this post :(
Some stuffs to lookout for in my next few post:
Well... Let's see if my MIP for March will be long :/
That's all for now! Gotta go get busy with my stuffs!
That's all for now! Gotta go get busy with my stuffs!
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